Tag Archives: home page design

Homepage Is The First Impression Of Your Website

Homepage or welcome page or landing page should be interesting and attractive enough that your visitors should stay long on your website and try to know what all your business is about. Homepage is a gate way where every visitor of your website come and decide whether he should go further to explore it or not so it should be very keen and persuasive that visitors must stay on it and read further details. Here I would like to discuss some do and don’t regarding your website homepage design and discuss which are the main factors that make your website homepage more impressive and persuasive for your visitors.

Make It Impressive:

Make your homepage as much impressive as you can because home page is a page where your visitors get all the information about your business and services. For making it perfect you have to make a rough sketch of your website on some paper and write down all the essential elements you want to have in your homepage and research about it in a way that what your competitors are displaying in their homepage.

Be Radiant:

For being radiant and attractive you should use such colors which simply look great helps to attract more visitors and make them stay on your website. On the other hand usage of fonts and images are also very important. If your font is very small it can’t be read properly if it’s very large then it doesn’t look good so be very careful regarding choosing fonts and colors. Use of images is also very important because they help to leave an impact in viewer mind.

Do Not Say Everything:

Yeah it is true do not say everything about your business and services on your home page be very particular and be very specific and let your visitors explore your website. Make it interesting for him but do not make it as a puzzle which visitors can’t solve.

Navigation, Animations And Usage Of Flash:

Don’t make your website home page obsess with this stuff. I am not saying that animations, navigation and flash are not important they are quite important but if you use them in excess they didn’t look nice and difficult to load as well and we all know that internet user is quite impulsive one, they do not bother to wait for loading your homepage, they just simply move to other.

Speak To Your Audience Directly:

You should speak in a way that your audience likes or this purpose you should carefully select your target audience and use such words and phrases which your target audience loves to read.

These are some simple rules for making your website home page looks brilliant and make it impressive and attractive for your target audience.

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Website Home Page Design Ideas

Website home page is very important for any website therefore it should be unique, eye-catching, and user-friendly as well as search engine friendly. Your website home page design shows the importance of your business and worth of your business. Only professional website design company can create a perfect website home page.

Here Kool Design Maker is going to share some website home page design ideas for your inspiration.







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