Focus on Your Local Market First – Online Business

Nowadays every business has its online presence therefore importance of online business is very high. There are different kinds of businesses in market with different range of market. Some are global businesses and others are local. Global businesses have international approach therefore they invest much in marketing because there are famous on the globe and earning lot of money. Here we are going to discuss about small businesses who are working in local markets. Usually business owners start an online business for a country and in very first step the start working on national marketing which is definitely their ultimate destination but what if you are neglecting your own city, town or area? Here we are going to discuss about this particular scene that whenever a businessman starts his business he should focus on his own city first where his business is located. That thing will help a lot to be famous and branding will be very easy in this way. More than 3 billion search quires contain local terms therefore local business marketing is very important to be successful in online business.

How to Optimize an Online Business in Local Market?

Start With Domain:

When you want to focus on a particular country’s market, you need to get a domain name according to its name. For example your target market is UK you should buy a domain name with .UK extension. Its mean you should start your local business from your domain name that thing will help you to get good rank in search engine results as well as viewers can easily guess about your target market.

Show You Local Market Focus in Your Content:

In online business the most important thing is website and in a website most important thing is content, therefore we say that “Content is King” and you should add local cities names, towns or your target market name in your website content. For this purpose you can use long-tail keywords along with cities names and towns’ names. That thing will help you a lot to get better ranking in local searches. While adding keywords in your website content, never do keywords stuffing because it will not work in your benefit. Always follow the rules and use ethical ways of marketing.

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You Are Missing Important Source of Marketing – Facebook Groups

We all have Facebook accounts, doesn’t matter for personal use or for business purpose. Facebook users are in billions and these users belong to different ages and yes definitely they have different purposes to use Facebook. Here we are going to discuss its business purpose; usually we all have at least one group membership, no matter that particular group is just for fun or for business matters. If you have an online business definitely you need to build your profile on Facebook to market and advertise your brand, products or services. Usually people focus on increasing their Facebook likes and they think that this all they need to promote their business but there is something else which is very important and effective when we talk about Facebook marketing. Yes we are talking about Facebook group; there are millions of groups on Facebook about different topics. All Facebook users are not use to with these groups even they don’t know that how to use these Facebook groups?

It is very simple to join any group, first of all you need to search a particular group related to your interest or business. Just go in Facebook search box and find which kind of group you want to find. For example your business is related to fashion industry and you want to join a group related to your business, type in Facebook search box like this “fashion groups” you will find lots of results but keep in mind one thing that you just need to join those groups which have thousands of members because only famous groups can give you best opportunity of marketing.

Once you joined the group and admin approved your membership you just need to share your stuff in attractive and ethical way. First of all you need to share related stuff and never do spamming on group’s wall. Some members do spamming and share unethical posts like nudity etc (especially in open groups) but you need to go ethical and in right way. Share your products, brand or what you want to share with an attractive image and detailed features. That thing will help you to get visitors on your page & website and in this way you can promote your brand.

Facebook groups give us opportunity to market particular product, service and brand to thousands of people. It is same like this you are representing your product in a huge gathering, when you are offering a particular product in huge gathering definitely you have lots of chances to get good response. Keep in mind these tips while using Facebook groups; Continue reading


Top Tips to Make a User Friendly Website

It is not difficult to get a website, but it is very difficult to get a perfect user-friendly website because there are lots of things to keep in mind while designing a user-friendly site. We do business for people not for animals or robots therefore in every business we have direct engagement of people. So it is necessary for every business to make it easy and simple for every kind of people. Nowadays every business has its online presence; in this scenario a user-friendly website is necessary. Some people say that you should make your website search engine friendly but they forget about users. Users are the main stakeholders therefore you need to keep in mind while designing a website and it is also search engines’ policy that you should focus on users’ facilities while websites designing & development. Here we are going to share some most important and top tips which can make your website user-friendly.

Responsive Version:

First of all the most important thing in a user-friendly website is its responsive version because we all know that now people love to search via their phones, tables, iPod etc because they have internet facility in their phones and smart devices. So every webmaster and website developer should keep in mind that a responsive and mobile friendly website is necessary to get good response from visitors.

Speed Up Your Website:

Your website speed has great importance therefore your website should be fast in loading and it is all about developers that how they are developing your website and which CMS they are using. For example if your website is loading in 1 minute definitely visitors are not going to wait. You just have few seconds to catch the visitors if you lose these seconds definitely you are a big looser. Here is the great informative article about website speed Site Speed – Are You Fast? Does it Matter for SEO?

Easy and Simple Navigation:

When you visit a website or blog you want to find your required page, thing or product in ease way similarly when your visitors come on your website, blog or forum they need easy navigation to reach on desire pages. That thing save your visitors’ time and visitors always appreciate these things. Everyone wants to save his time, when you will provide a clear navigation to your customers they will love to visit your website again and again.

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Benefits of a Business Brochure in Marketing

A brochure is the most effective and best marketing tool in the world which is very helpful to get potential customers and to boost any business in short time. Brochure is keen to target particular audience from a particular city or town. Successful marketers always give importance to this great medium of direct marketing, which is cost effective and have many benefits. Brochures have different kinds such as bi-fold, Tri-fold, 4 pages, 8 pages etc, all sizes have their own importance and for different type of audience and for different products and services. Here we are going to discuss the benefits of brochure design.

Helpful To Introduce Your Brand or Company:

If you are new in market and you want to introduce your business then nothing is as helpful as brochure is. You can easily introduce your business, brand, products and services because you have much space on brochure. Everyone who is launching new company, product or brand he/she wants to get a good response from market and it is possible when your business is well advertised. In this scenario brochure is very useful way to introduce your business in market effectively.

Promotional Tool:

You already have business and now you are going to launch new products or services under the same umbrella then you need a brochure because it is the great promotional tool which can work effectively. If there is any marketing tool, apart from website that can deliver the massage, it is a corporate brochure. A well designed and well informative brochure can promote anything in best way. It gives the message that the company and its products and services can be trusted to deliver and it promotes your products and services in professional way.

Helpful to Target Particular Audience:

If your business is related to women you just need to distribute your promotional brochures to women. In this way you can easily target particular audience which will help you to get good response because men will not buy women related things. Similar you just want to promote your business in your own city you need to distribute your brochure just in your city and if you want to promote it in another city rather than your own you just need to distribute them in that particular area.

Cost Effective:

No doubt that brochure is cost effective medium of marketing and advertising because it doesn’t need thousands of dollars, you just need a creative corporate brochure design from a professional brochure designing company and need to print these brochures. It is really easy and very cost effective method of marketing, even small businesses can afford this medium of direct marketing.

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Want to Increase Your Twitter Followers? – Here is the Solution

We all know that twitter is the most important, fast and famous social media site. Billions of people are using twitter for personal usage as well as for business development and online marketing purpose. According to twitter’s own official statement there are “271 million monthly active users” on twitter that figure always attracts online marketers who are exploring new opportunities of business growth and marketing. On twitter it is all about the figure of followers who are following you, more followers mean more opportunities of business. If you get good figure of followers you can reach to those people who can increase your website traffic and sale. Everyone on twitter is crazy to get more followers. Now the question is that “How to increase twitter followers?” it is common question from twitter users. Different social media experts wrote about it in different ways. Here we are going to share some most easy, important and effective tips which can boost your twitter account.

Make Sure Your Profile is Looking Perfect:

First of all you need to make it sure that your profile is 100% completed because if it is not complete people will treat your account as a fake account and that thing will ruin your purpose of marketing on twitter. You need to put these feeds while profile making. Continue reading


When You Need to Redesign Your Logo?

A company logo is the brand identity and face of your business therefore it should be perfect and in this scenario its importance is very high. On daily basis we see different logos from different brands and companies, some look attractive and other look creepy and awkward. Those companies or businesses have awkward and creepy logo designs they need to redesign their logos in attractive way to get attention and attraction. Now the question is that when a business need to redesign its logo?

You Changed Your Company Name or Business Nature:

Everyone wants to develop his business and sometimes people change their business nature if they didn’t get good response in a particular type of business. Sometimes they even change their brand, business or company name to make a new entry in market. Then they need to change their logo because now the name and business nature both have been changed, how the old logo can represent your business? So whenever you change your brand name and business nature you need to get a new logo.

It Looks Outdated:

We are living in digital and technological era where we are getting new things day by day. In designing field technology, mediums and taste develop rapidly therefore if you got your logo 5/10 years before definitely you need to redesign it because mediums, technology and tools have been updated and if you will not change your logo, it will look like 80’s or 90’s logo which will not attract your viewers and it will leave bad impression on consumers’ minds.

Strapped for Cash – In Beginning:

When you started your business investment was problem for you and you were not able to pay much and hire professionals for your business logo design. On that time may be you hired a designing student to design your logo to save few dollars but now you are able to hire a professional logo designing company and you can pay them for a perfect and best logo design. It’s time to replace your logo now.

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Why Your Business Logo is Your Corporate Identity?

In this digital age where most of the businesses are online and official corresponding has been shifted on email and your logo carries your corporate identity. Therefore your business logo has great importance and you need to be conscious about its look because your logo is a visual presentation of your organization. Your logo speaks and speaks louder than words and it can say thousands of words in your absence. People recognize different brands, organizations and companies by their logos. Therefore your logo is your brand identity and you need to make your identity attractive, professional, creative and best. Now the question is which aspect are necessary for a perfect corporate brand identity?


Most important and essential aspect a perfect log is creativity and creativity brings uniqueness. You are not only one who is doing business in a particular field, definitely you have lots of competitors and follow business men but you want to earn uniqueness in your business and you make your business better than others. Similarly you need to make your logo in unique way and creative enough to earn a separate brand identity.

Colors of Combination:

When we talk about any design we can’t neglect the importance of colors and it is true that colors speak effectively therefore right colors of combination is very important. Every color has its own identity and it represent different moods and feelings therefore a perfect color selection is necessary. For example your business is related to guns and hunting etc you can’t use pink color in it because pink color represents love and designers use this color for ladies relevant stuff. If you will use pink color it will be awkward and disgusting for your brand identity. So it is necessary to choose a right color for brand identity.

Font Style:

Some logos based on vectors, images, visuals or graphics and other based on text. Usually people like to use both visual or symbol with a text (may be a brand name). In this scenario text or font’s style is very important. There are thousands of font styles available in different designing related software and tools. Therefore designers need to be very careful while selecting the font style. One experience and well educated graphics designers can use perfect font style for a particular design.

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Importance of Banner Advertisement in Online Business

When we talk about online advertising and marketing banner is always the preferred way due to its effectiveness. Recent research shows that consumers’ engagements in banner ads are higher than TV ads and the reason behind it that internet users are more than TV viewers. In 2014 worldwide internet users’ figure is 2,923 million which is increasing rapidly. That great figure motivates online marketers to invest in banner advertisement because there are lots of opportunities to reach these internet users.

Purpose of Banner Advertisement:

Every businessman wants to grow in market and for this purpose different people use different methods of advertising and marketing. On daily basis we see different ads and banners on different locations such as TV ads, newspaper ads, magazine ads, posters, billboards, vinyl banners and many more. The ultimate purpose of banner advertisement is to tell audience about your brand, products and services. Banner ads are affordable than any other medium of advertising like if you want to advertise on TV you have to pay lot of money for a few seconds ad but when we talk about web banner ads it is affordable and bring huge output. So if you want to boost your online business you have to go with banner advertisement.

Where You Should Place Your Banner?

It is very important question which get attention of all marketers. It depends on your nature of business and your target audience what in which area or in which country you want to target the audience. If you are running a restaurant and you are thinking about banner advertisement you need to search most visiting and famous blogs or website in that particular area. For example that restaurant is located in Brightwaters, NY definitely you are not going to advertise your business in London. You will search those blogs, website or pages which are getting mostly traffic from Brightwaters or from New York City. So if you want to get fast and better response from banner ads you need to be conscious about the selection of space where you are going to put your ads.

What is Perfect Size?

Marketers feel confusion about the banner size selection that which is the perfect size? And in which size we should advertise and in which size we will get better response and CTR? Actually it depends on the space you are getting, there is not a fix size but yes we have some standard sizes like 250 x 250px, 300 x 250px, 180 x 150px, 728 x 90px, 234px x 60px, 160px x 600px but we can make banners in any size, it depends on space we have. Every designer should keep one thing in mind that a standard and exact size brings perfection and attraction in banner.

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Reasons Why You Need a WordPress Website

WordPress is a free and open source blogging tool and a content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL started in May 2003. WordPress CMS is the best, reliable and easy CMS which has lots of benefits, therefore every developer, webmaster and business owner like to build his blog and website in this CMS. More than 60 millions websites and blogs are on wordpress CMS, that figure tell about its wide usage. Day by day its users are increasing due to its lots of benefits, which are these;


It is affordable enough that every business owner can afford it easily and now it is not a dream to have a blog or a business website. No matter you have a small budget and you need a business website, wordpress is the solution. You just need to purchase a domain name and hosting service and just in few dollars you can get a wordpress website or blog in one working day. If you need any changes in your wordpress website you don’t need to hire a developer or technical person, you can do it easily. So the most important benefit of having a wordpress website is its affordability.

Easy to Build:

If you need a website in Joomla, PHP or even in simple HTML language you have to wait for many days because these CMSs take time to build a website but if you need a wordpress website you don’t need to wait for too many days. You can get a small business website just in one working day. WordPress always help you to build a blog or website in very easy way.

Easy to Manage:

Once you got the wordpress website it is not difficult for you to manage it, even you are not a technical person. It is very easy to post anything in your website even if you want to create new pages in your website you can do it easily. In wordpress these things are easy like content changes, files uploading, images changing, images resizing and anything you want to add or delete etc.

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What Kool Design Maker Offers in Logo Designing?

Kool Design Maker is the name of one stop online business solution in the field of graphics and website design & development. We have years of experience in this field as we are in market since 2004. We are famous in the field of logo designing as we have designed thousands of logos for corporate businesses, small businesses and organizations with 100% satisfaction. We have professional and experienced designers’ teams who are expert in delivering unique and creative stuff according to clients’ needs. No matter you have an idea about your logo designing or you are completely blind about it, our professional logo designers will help you to reach on your destination of a best business logo design. We always deliver best in affordable rates and in minimum time with guaranteed satisfaction. Here we are going to discuss what we are offering in our logo designing services.


There is a long standing relationship between the concepts of design and creativity. Logo is not a symbol or an image, it is identity of your business therefore it should be creative enough to grab the viewers’ attention. Our logo designers always think out of the box while designing your logo but we always create your logo with meanings and logic because a logo without a logic or meaning doesn’t works. We build your logo in a way that even in thousands of logo your logo will be charming. We always focus on creativity and uniqueness while designing logos because unique and creativity both will become your logo memorable.


Usually when customers hear about creativity and unique in designing stuff they think about budget and they think that rates will be very high but at Kool Design Maker is it not correct. We know the importance budget for your business therefore we always offer amazing stuff in affordable rates. There are lots of companies who are claiming to deliver best logos but when you ask the rates you have to say “oops” because a logo in $250 is not affordable. Here we start our logo package from $69 with lots of benefits like we offer 5 different options to choose from, 1 redraw, unlimited changes and many more. So affordability makes us different from other logo designing companies.


When we talk about affordability customers think about the quality of work because there are lots of companies who grab customers’ attention with cheap rates but when customers hire them for a job the find the as cheaper in work as they are in rates but we never compromise on quality. Our designers and quality assurance team always deliver best and perfect because we know the importance of your business logo and we know you are going to represent your business to world with your logo therefore it should be perfect.

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