3 Different Types of Banner Ads

We all know the importance of banner advertisement and its effectiveness in online business. Banner advertisement is very helpful to increase the website or blog’s traffic; it is also helpful generating sales in low investment. Banner advertisement has 3 different types which are static banner, flash banner and animated banners, different people use different types of banners ads but the purpose is same. Here we are going to explain about these different types of banners.

Static Banners:

Static banner contains simple graphics and text and delivered in a one single frame we call it as simple banner or still banner. Lots of website and business owners like static banner due to their simplicity. In these kinds of banners designs have to be very careful while designing because they don’t have too much to express rather than graphics and text. Therefore an appealing sentence and attractive graphics or image can make a static banner eye-catchy. When we talk about static banners everyone thinks that he/she can make an attractive web banner but it is not as simple as they people think. Only professional and experienced designers can make attractive, meaningful and appealing banner ad which can help to get traffic and business leads.

Benefits of Static Banners:

  • Static banners are cost effective
  • These banners don’t scream
  • Static banners are simple, attractive and appealing
  • It is ideal and traditional type of banner advertisement
  • Their CTR rate is higher than other kinds of banners

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15 Creative Envelopes Design Ideas

Envelope is very important part of business stationery and it has vital role in corresponding with customers or other official usage. Therefore it’s designing and printing should be perfect and every business owner should be conscious about it. At Kool Design Maker, we have more than 10 years of experience in all kinds of graphics and web designing and we have designed thousands of envelopes for our thousands of valuable customers with 100% guaranteed satisfaction. We are famous in creativity and innovation in the field of designing, so if you need anything related to your business stationery or you just need an envelope design, we are here to serve you. Here we are going to share some creative ideas of envelopes designing.






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Want To Change Your Website Look In Low Budget? Static Header Is the Solution

Everyone is looking for best in low budget and when we talk about online business webmasters look always ready to give a fresh and new look to their website but sometimes these changes demand high budgets and lots of hard work and time. We have a solution for those who want to give a fresh look to their website in low budget. Now the question is “How?” almost 98% websites have their website headers which represent their nature of business or their slogan. What if your website has same banners or sliders for many years? Do you think it is not boring for you and your customers? I think it is really boring for them. There is lot of space to replace your boring and old fashioned website sliders. You can enjoy lots of benefits to give a fresh look to your website with well designed and creative website headers. Here we are going to share some great benefits of new website sliders.

Fresh Look:

When you change your website’s sliders or headers it gives a new and fresh look to your website because header is the face of your website and when you make your website’s face attractive and stunning definitely it changes your website’s look in whole. Therefore you can cash this benefit easily and I will recommend you that you should change your website sliders after every 6 months and on all important occasions like Independence Day, Christmas Day etc.

Represent Your Business:

If you are a corporate business or an online store and you have lots of products to sale and represent to your customers then you need more than one header because in different headers you can represent your different products and services. There is another reliable option of having a flash or animated website header because you can represent lots of things in one single animated or flash header. So it is very helpful to represent your business in front of your viewers and customers. Continue reading


Essentials of a Perfect Letterhead Design

There are lots of methods for branding and we use these methods on different time and with different style. Company stationery is one of the most important and effective methods of branding which is very helpful to market any brand. From company stationery, letterhead is very important part which is link to professional people. We use it to correspond with our valuable and potential customers as well as with other companies in official corresponding therefore letterhead deserves more importance and every business owner should conscious about its design and print. In this scenario we are going to share some essentials of a letterhead design which can make any letterhead perfect. These essentials are;

Keep it Simple:

Simplicity is best and it never gets old or out of fashion as great Leonardo da Vinci said “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”. Therefore A simple letterhead can make all the difference to the success of your branding. It is really important that your letterhead should look great but ever designers should keep in mind that in chasing of that greatness you shouldn’t make it complicated or awkward. So always try to make it as simple as you can.

Correct Size:

We all know that its standard size is A4 or 8.5×11 and every designer should follow the role and standard size. It is possible that a designer can modify its design according to customers’ need but never go out of standard. In this standard size a designer should not cover the essential details on huge area of total space; he/she should try to leave enough blank space for writing because purpose of letterhead is corresponding not to show design.

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Tips To Make an Attractive Banner Ad

Banner ad is still very important source of advertising and marketing and millions of marketers like this method of marketing because it is very helpful to get good figure of traffic and business leads on a website. A well designed banner ad can easily grab viewers’ attention therefore it is very important to hire a professional and affordable banner ads designing company to get a best and attractive banner. Here we are going to share some most important points which are necessary to make any banner ad attractive and perfect.

Banner Size:

In banner ads making the most important thing is its size because it has not its fix size you can create it according to your need and space. Most famous and common sizes of banner ads are these

336×280 Large Rectangles
300×250 Medium Rectangles
728×90 Leader board
160×600 Wide Skyscrapers

Knowledge about exact size of space will help to create a perfect banner ad because if your client bought a space on a website or blog for 300×250 and you are creating it on a different dimension, how it will be perfect and attractive? So size does matter and knowledge about a perfect space is necessary to create a perfect banner ad.
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Benefits of Having Professional Business Stationery

Corresponding in professional way with potential customers and other regular customers can help you to build a professional image in your customers’ minds. Every business needs to correspond with their customers because customers are everything in any business, what if you are corresponding with them in unprofessional way? Definitely it will build negativity in their minds. Therefore professional business stationery is necessary for professional communication with your clients. In this scenario company stationery has great importance but there is more need to hire professional stationery designing & printing company for your business stationery. Kool Design Maker is the best graphics designing and printing company in USA providing high quality and professional business stationery designing services in affordable rates. Here we are going to discuss some benefits of having professional business stationery.

Branding Identity:

Business stationery is not just helpful in professional corresponding, it is your branding identity and it can increase brand awareness for your business. Therefore the most important benefit of having company stationery is that you don’t need to invest too much in branding, when you correspond with your customers or any other person it will help you to tell them about your brand and business. In this scenario the most important thing is it should be design in very creative and professional way and for this purpose you need to hire professional stationery designers.

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Kool Design Maker – Your One Stop Online Business Solution

In this electronic and technology era if you have no online business presence then you are losing too much time and opportunities of business growth. All international and national companies, brands and organizations have their online presence therefore it is very important to be online with your business. No matter you have a small business or a corporate business you have to be online because it is trend now to search products and services online? Therefore every business person needs online services providing companies.  At Kool Design Maker, we are offering all online business related services in professional way with 100% satisfaction. After purchasing domain name and hosting services you need to build a website no matter it is small or a big website we are here to build it in perfect way. Here we are going to mention those important services we are offering to our valuable clients and which are necessary for your online business.

Company Logo Design:

Importance of a company logo is very high; a logo is a critical aspect of business marketing and it is face of a business therefore every business owner should be very conscious while choosing a business logo design. If a business owner is designer or has an idea about his business logo there is no need to ask graphics designers about a logo design idea. Owner should create his own company logo like Pepsi’s inventor “Caleb Bradham” created his company logo by himself but if you are not a designer and you don’t have any idea about your company logo then you need to hire a professional logo designing company like Kool Design Maker because only professional people can deliver you professional stuff. Since 2004 we are in this business and we have created thousands of logos for our thousands of clients. We know the meaning of creativity, innovation, uniqueness and perfection therefore we always deliver best with 100% guaranteed satisfaction with unlimited changes and free revisions. You can check our logo portfolio to see our work.

Business Website:

In this era of technology websites are as important as your shops and outlets are because a business website is like an online shop therefore it should be attractive, user-friendly, search engine friendly and full of information about your business. If you are not a website designer definitely you need a professional web designing company to get an amazing website. No matter you need a small or a big website, a simple HTML or a responsive and dynamic website; we are here to serve you with 100% satisfaction. We are expert in all languages and CMS, our experienced website designers and developers are expert in all fields. We will provide your responsive and mobile friendly website which will be equally helpful for all users. Continue reading


10 Important Tips To Make Your Customers Happy

Majority of business owners and sale executives are trying to find out new customers and for this purpose they are using free and paid methods of marketing and advertising. Question is that “If your existing customers are not satisfied than why you are looking for new customers?” therefore it is more important to make your existing customers happy and satisfied because customers’ satisfaction will convert your customers into retaining customers. Here we are going to share 10 important points which can help you to make your customers happy.

How Can I Help You?

First of all you need to listen about the requirements and needs of customers and for this purpose you need to ask your customers “how can I help you?” when you will ask in that way definitely your customer will tell you in details what he/she is looking for. You should leave an impression of “Trust” on your customers’ minds that you are helping not selling. You should try to get all the details what exactly a customer is looking for.

We Don’t Know but, We Can Find Out:

Be realistic, you should not show hesitations to say that “we don’t know but we can find out” especially when you don’t know about technical aspect of a project. That thing will help you to leave a positive impression on customers’ mind that you are not liar and you people are dealing in right way. Usually sale executives don’t like to say that their team doesn’t know about a particular thing because they think that in this way they can lose a customer. Every sale executive should keep in mind that only catch those projects which your people can do.

Respect Your Customers:

In any business customers is everything therefore customers’ respect has great importance. If you will not treat and deal them with honor and respect definitely they are not going to start a business relation with your company. When you give them lots of respect they will always keep you in mind whenever they need anything related to your business and that thing will increase your sale and make your customers happy.

Keep Your Customers Update:

When you sign a project with a customer it is not ending, it is beginning of a business relation and you should be conscious about their feelings and needs and keep your customers update what you are doing on their projects. Let suppose if you are working on daily basis but you are not updating your customers about the progress, what they feel? Definitely they feel that you are not working. Therefore it is necessary to tell them about the progress on their projects.

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Get Reliable Responsive Website in Low Cost at Kool Design Maker

We all want to get perfect, reliable and amazing services and things in low cost. In other words we want to get best but we don’t want to pay lots of money. There is lots of competition in all business fields and markets and everyone wants to deliver best to his/her customers in low price. At Kool Design Maker, we are providing reliable, bug free and perfect responsive websites in affordable rates not just to corporate businesses but small organizations as well. We are not new in this market, since 10 years we are proudly working in web, graphics, web development and printing fields. Customers’ satisfaction is the secret of our successful business, we have more than 10,000 registered customers and it is honor for us that they are satisfied with our services.

Why you should go with Kool Design Maker?

Teams of Experts:

Alexander Hamilton said “I never expect to see a perfect work from an imperfect man”. He said a universal truth so if you want to get a perfect work you have to hire experts. Inexperienced and unprofessional companies or individuals can’t deliver you best and exact what you are looking for. At Kool Design Maker, we have experience, professional and well trained & educated website designers and developers who are innovative enough to deliver you exact what you are looking for. They are not just designers and developers they are consultants, who can guide you in all technical aspects.

Low Rates:

As we already discussed about affordability and low prices, we always offer different packages for all kinds of customers according to their budgets because know the importance of money and your budget. At Kool Design Maker, low cost doesn’t mean low quality, we never compromise on quality. There are lots of graphics and web agencies claiming low cost work but when you go with them you feel that you just wasted your time and money because their services and work both are “cheap” and have low quality but at KDM you never feel that. When we talk about affordability, we don’t compromise on quality.

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How You Can Increase Your Website Traffic by Blogging

Everyone wants traffic and business on his/her website and for this purpose different people use different methods like paid marketing, advertising on blogs, social media marketing, email marketing and many more. I personally think that blogging is the most effective source of advertising and marketing and driving traffic on any website. It is all about content marketing, without quality, interesting and healthy content you can’t achieve your goals in blogging. We all know that SEO trends and methods of building backlinks have been changed now and in 2014 everyone is doing hard work to get more and more traffic because traffic means more opportunities of business leads. Here we are going to discuss “How You Can Increase Your Website Traffic by Blogging”.

Post Constantly:

“If you are persistent, you’ll get it. If you are consistent you will keep it” similarly if you will post on your blog constantly you can achieve your goals rapidly and for long time you can keep success. Therefore consistence of posting on your blog is necessary to build goodwill of your blog, but never compromise on quality while posting constantly because it can ruin your blogging.

Interesting Topic:

First of all you should research about your topic and post what you want to post on your blog. If you have a unique topic in your mind which you feel that people find it interesting then it means you have more opportunities to go viral. So blogger should invest time in searching interesting topics and ideas of post. Never use silly and boring title and topics for example if you are going to post like this “How to build High Quality Backlinks?” you are just wasting your time because there are millions of articles and blogs posts having same topic. So always be creative to choose a perfect and interesting topic.

Quality of Content:

In online business the most important thing is quality of content, if it is copied or have flaws and errors definitely it will not help to go viral and to get traffic from search engines. Every blogger should make it sure that what he/she is posting meets quality. Duplicate content can ruin whole blogging campaign, so never compromise on quality of your content because “Content is King”.

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